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Informação Configure the article comments. Powered by Akeeba Engage.
Should I display the comments interface? Choosing Hide will hide all existing comments and disable new comments.
New comments

Should newly posted comments be published or unpublished by default? In the latter case a comment administrator needs to manually publish them. The “Use Global” option (default) tells Akeeba Engage to do whatever you specified in the component's Options page.

IMPORTANT! This option does NOT apply to comments published by comment administrators. These comments are always published immediately. It would be nonsensical asking the user posting such a comment to moderate their own comment.

Should I display the number of comments posted for each article on Joomla's Blog display?
Should I display the number of comments posted for each article rendered in Joomla's Newsflash module?
Display order of the comments, by date. Ascending shows oldest comments first. Descending shows newest comments first.
Should new comments be allowed? Choosing No locks comments (you can see existing ones but not add a new one).
Comments will be closed automatically after this many days since the article was published. 0 is a special value and it means that the comments will never be closed automatically.
Should I notify (send emails) to the content author for all new comments posted on their content?
Should I notify (send emails) to the users when a reply is sent to a comment they posted on the content?
Artigos novos aparecem por padrão em primeiro lugar na Categoria. Esta ordem poder ser alterada no Administrador.


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